A Word of Encouragement

Did this week take a lot of strength to manage and survive? For many of us, we might have struggled this week or are struggling right now. The life we live is so different –so changed– and some days it takes all we have to keep pushing forward. Anxiety: Perhaps you struggle with anxiety about […]

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Be Wary and Be a Light

Have you wondered why we’re seeing Covid-19 numbers on the rise? What is the purpose of all this talk about a resurgence of Covid this summer? Why is the Roe v. Wade media publicity so great, including the horrible leak that impacted the Supreme Court Justices and their safety? Why are we being submerged in […]

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It’s Time to Trust

Weariness. We see it on people’s faces as we pass strangers on the street, in the grocery store, or even communicating with loved ones in our homes. News reports of new variants of Covid-19 (seriously?!), deaths in Ukraine, people hiding in bomb shelters, vaccine mandates, government control, and much more flood our screens every day. […]

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Welcome to the Voice of Truth Blog! Today We Discuss the Freedom Convoy

Welcome to the first Voice of Truth blog post. We’re excited you are here. These past two years have been full of troubling headlines: politicians with dark motives, recurring lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and cancel culture silencing truth speakers on social media. However, we have seen bravery and strength in our fellow humans through it all. […]

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